Notes for first-time wearers  

◼️ If you are a first-time wearer, it is recommended that you wear it for 2 hours on the first day and gradually increase the wearing time on the second day.

First Wear Adaptation Table
DayDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Wearing Time2 hours3 hours4 hours5 hours6 hours

What do I need to know about wearing the contact lens?

◼️ Newly opened contact lenses are more comfortable when soaked for 6-8 hours.
◼️ It is recommended that you do not wear them for more than 8 hours a day.
◼️ Use a special care solution to keep your contact lens in place.
◼️ Change the solution every 2 days and the water bottle every 3 months.

◼️ Do not sleep with your contact lenses in your eyes.
◼️ Suggested wearing schedule for contact lenses is not more than 8 hours per day. 
◼️ Tap water should not be used for rinsing or storing lenses.  
◼️ Put in your contact lenses before applying makeup.  
◼️ If you experience unusual pain, tingling, redness, unusual blurred vision, discharge or light sensitivity, remove your lenses immediately.  

How to wear contact lenses?

❶ Before wearing contact lenses, soak them in multipurpose solution for at least 6-8 hours.
❷ Wash your hands properly with soap and water before touching your contact lenses.
❸ Place the lens on the palm of your hand and rinse it with a few drops of saline solution.
❹ Repeat the rinsing process to ensure that all traces of the disinfectant solution used to soak the lenses are completely removed.
❺ Place the lens on your index finger, open your right eye and look into the mirror.
❻ Use the middle finger of the same hand to pull the lower eyelid down.
❼ Use your other hand to gently pull up your upper eyelid.
❽ Put your lens on and blink a few times. 
❾ Repeat the same procedure for the other eye. 

** Note: If your eyes feel uncomfortable, remove the contact lenses to check for damage or debris, rinse with more solution and reapply.

How to remove contact lenses?

❶ Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, water, and a clean towel before handling contact lenses.
❷ Pull down your lower eyelid and look up in the mirror.
❸ Place your index finger and thumb on either side of the contact lens, and then gently pinch it off. 
❹ Look up and gently slide the lens down onto the white of your eye, then off onto your finger. Repeat for the other eye. 

What if there is a problem with the item I received?

◼️ When you receive the product, remember to check if you have received the correct product. 
◼️ If you find any problems with the lenses (e.g. colour difference/damage, etc.), you can contact our customer service for an exchange or after-sales service. 
◼️ If you are uncomfortable wearing your contact lenses, please contact customer service in a timely manner to confirm whether there is a problem with your lenses and to provide after-sales service.